Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Mount Sinai

11 and be ready for the third day. For on the third day the LORD will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. –Exodus 19:11 ESV

Mount Sinai (Hebrew: סיני Ciynay, "thorny") has an Etymology of uncertain derivation , also known as "Gebel Musa" or "Jabal Musa" by the Bedouins, is the name of a mountain in the Sinai Peninsula, or rather a mountainous region in the Arabian peninsula between the two gulfs of the of the Red Sea (the Heroöpolitan and the Ælanite). It is 2,629 m meters high. The mountain known as Sinia is near a protruding lower bluff known as the Ras Sasafeh (Sufsafeh), and rises almost perpendicularly from the plain, the tallest peak on the Sinai peninsula.

The Biblical Mount Sinai is an ambiguously located mountain at which the Hebrew bible states that the Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God. In certain biblical passages these events are described as having transpired at Mount Horeb, but though there is a small body of opinion that Sinai and Horeb were different locations, they are generally considered to have been different names for the same place.


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