Friday, August 25, 2006

The Last Supper

Statue of The Last Supper, used during the Good Friday procession in Qormi, MaltaIn the Christian faith, the Last Supper was the last meal Jesus shared with his apostles before his death. The Last Supper has been the subject of many different paintings, perhaps the most famous by Leonardo da Vinci. Christians celebrate the related events quasi-annually (annually on a Lunar Calendar) as Maundy Thursday. To the right is a Statue of The Last Supper, used during the Good Friday procession in Qormi, Malta.

In the New Testament
The meal is discussed at length in recorded in the gospel of Luke, chapter 22 of the canonical Bible. It was the seder for the Passover, and it was in the morning of the same day the Paschal lamb, for the meal, had been sacrificed.

However, under the Jewish method of reckoning time, the day was considered to begin straight after dusk, and so the Passover feast would be regarded as ocurring on the day after the lamb was sacrificed.


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